fucking capitalism. it's always fucking capitalism
reading about ancient trees, "old growth" forests. species extinct in the last century. and what's responsible? the most popular answer is "progress". it seems so natural to us that it may be our innate nature to destroy all living things in our path to establish new cities and farmland, to shape the land to our image
the thing is, we already grow enough food to feed us all. estimates in 2012 were that we were growing enough to feed 10 billion. so, why do we need more farmland?
every developed nation has enough homes already built to house every citizen oftentimes with a large surplus to spare, and with the technology and resources at our disposal on the planet creating enough housing in the third world
but this would rob the rich of their excess, and it would rob the commoners at our deluded fantasy that we may join the rich. so we allow ancient forests to be bulldozed en masse. we don't even care, science and discovery are fantasy concepts in the grueling reality of our manufactured lives under capitalism
everyone always points to the homeless and desperately impoverished and says "this is why you should be grateful for your low paying job even if the CEO has billions" but no one ever questions that these conditions exist so unnecessarily in the face of all our wealth and resources yet without them we apparently wouldn't appreciate what little the rest of us have
posted by Passenger Pigeon @ 21:27
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