i get so mad at the human species sometimes. There are so many instances throughout history where humans - en masse - will seemingly FORGET something our species has known for MOST OF HUMAN HISTORY.
the dust bowl is what's really getting to me today. like, we had farmed for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. how the FUCK did we forget how to take care of our soil? after a bit of reading the answer is pretty obvious - farmers went after soil with way more faith in technology than they should give it, and they were only so hopeful because they were blinded by the prospect of... wait for it.......
what the FUCK else? technology makes it TECHNICALLY possible to plow ALLLLLLLL the possible farmland, so let's FUCKIN DO IT. not enough annual rainfall? i'm sure someone'll build the irrigation. stop worrying about it, there's profits to be made!
it's always fuckin capitalism, man
posted by Passenger Pigeon @ 12:41
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