so what if in the pokemon world, all the animals are gone due to some mass extinction event that affected literally all animal species except for humans - even insects. since the biosphere humans are dependent on would collapse without the presence of animals and the essential functions they perform, a synthetic form of animal life was created that is a digitally projected hologram. since reproduction is a huge biological process, replicating normal animal reproduction requires enormous computing power. hence children are encouraged to rear and breed these new animals to aid in production of new units. that's why they can be stored and traded on computers... except then there's the dome fossils
scratch that, humans exist in a simulation after earth has wasted away due to environmental decay at the hands of humans and the only method to not go mad is to hook up your mind to a simulator of old earth. it's been so long since animals existed that no one remembers them, so they came up with a couple hundred cartoonish species, which can be "stored" in tiny balls and within computers because they, like everything else, are a simulation. it's difficult to live to old age, hence young people outnumber adults greatly. children are allowed to wander the simulation, engaging in a game based around catching and taming the fictitious animals - there's very little danger in them doing so due to the idyllic nature of the simulation and sheer lack of adults reduces the numbers of those who would victimize children to a minimum by default.
as work is done to improve the simulation, new species are added. unfortunately, the engineers are running out of ideas and start adding things like car keys and lamps
posted by Passenger Pigeon @ 12:49
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