the whole "mandela effect thing" is really freaking me out right now because while i personally experienced the berenstain bears and shazam/kazam ones myself as well, i'm watching through the original pokemon series which i watched as a preteen (and i often liked to draw pokemon characters for fun as late as my early 20s) and notice the pikachu has a plan yellow tail. i could have SWORN i remember him having a black tipped-tail that matched its ears, so i google a picture of pikachu and they all have the plain yellow tails but i see "black tip" in the other google image options. bam, another madela effect theory i felt a deep sense of terror that felt like it emanated from my bone marrow the first time i saw one of these and i felt it again. what could possibly be more out of our control and terrifying than a constantly shifting timeline. perhaps this has always happened, and the only reason we as a species hadn't noticed was because we lacked such a detailed means of mass communication and data storage? perhaps this is a phenomena that happens to our individuals randomly simply because space and time exist beyond the 4 dimensions we experienced and fifth+ dimensional time is constantly in flux? fuck this is not what i need to be thinking about right now in my current emotional state. this is too much, man god, bojack horseman REALLY did nail it so fucking hard. the key to happiness ISN'T a search for meaning, it's to fill your life with unimportant crap and soon you'll be dead. the powerful have made this reality so profoundly true that it's unbearable
posted by Passenger Pigeon @ 15:55  

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